26. August 2016

Am 20. September 2016 lädt die Java Usergroup Berlin-Brandenburg und Hypoport AG zu dem Vortrag Reactive access to MongoDB with Java 8 mit Herrmann Hück ein.

Der Vortrag

Reactive access to MongoDB with Java 8 (Herrmann Hück): This talk explores different Java Drivers for MongoDB and different (mostly asynchronous) strategies to access the database. The combination of Mongo drivers and programming strategies result in a great variety of possible solutions each shown by a small code sample. With the samples we can discuss the advantages and drawbacks of these stragegies.

Beginning with a discussion of "What is asynchronous and what is reactive"?

The code samples are using the following Mongo drivers for Java:

  • Sychronous Java Driver

  • Asychronous Java Driver (using Callbacks)

  • Asychronous Java Driver (using RxJava)

  • Asychronous Java Driver (implementing Reactive Streams Interface)

The code samples use the drivers in combination with the following access strategies:

  • Synchronous DB access

  • Async DB access with Future (from Java 5)

  • Async DB access with CompletableFuture (from Java 8)

  • Async DB access with Callbacks

  • Reactive DB access with Callbacks and CompletableFuture

  • Reactive DB access with RxJava Observables

  • Reactive DB access with Reactive Streams Interface + RxJava Observables

  • Reactive DB access with Reactive Streams Interface + Akka Streams

All code samples are written in Java 8 using Java 8 features like Lambdas, {{java.util.Optional}} and {{java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture}}.

A great introduction to CompletableFutures by Angelika Langner can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_0_1mKTlnY.

Der Redner

Herrmann Hück is a Software Developer and Architect for Functional Reactive Programming with Scala, Java 8, Akka and Play.

In the 90s he was programming C/C++ under Unix and Windows. After a short intermezzo as Perl hacker in 2000/2001 he moved to the world of Java Enterprise Applications using Servlets, JSP, EJB, Spring and Hibernate (since 2001). Since 2014 he is focussing on Scala based Technologies (Akka, Play, Spark). Scala taught him a new way of thinking and also improved his Java programming skills.

For more details see his XING profile at https://www.xing.com/profile/Hermann_Hueck.


Hypoport AG, Klosterstr. 71, 10179 Berlin

Der Ablauf

  • 18:30 Uhr Einlaß

  • 19:00 Uhr Beginn des Vortrags

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Über eine Voranmeldung zu der Veranstaltung über die Meetup-Gruppe der JUG Berlin-Brandenburg würden wir uns freuen, jedoch ist die Anmeldung nicht zwingend erforderlich. Wir freuen uns auf jeden Teilnehmer.